APOCALYPSE NOW by Daniel Meurois


Apocalypse Now

It would be an understatement to say that in recent years there has been a lot of talk about the date of the apocalypse. Not only do we not stop talking about it, but we also do not stop spilling ink about it.... For the occasion, I'm adding some of my own today. It's the very first time, by the way, because I'm not very inclined to maintain everything that, a priori, seems to be the effect of a trend.

If I resign myself to it here, it is because the ¨phenomenon ¨ takes a very particular extent. It has indeed passed the mental barrier of these circles that our society generally calls, with condescension, "spiritualists" or "esoteric". I only take as witnesses these conversations surprised a short time ago among the crowd of a shopping mall or on a college parking lot. I can still hear the revealing words although they were captured on the sly: "It seems that it is the end of the world..." or then, "In ... everything blows up... so why bother?

What do I think? Obviously, it is always the alarmist, even desperate side of things that holds everyone's attention, creating currents of thought - egregores, we would say - likely to drag us down more than up. Fears, psychoses, we, as humans, have become masters in the art of creating them, of inflating them and then exporting them. It is through them that we end up, sooner or later, making crises of all kinds, economic depressions, epidemics, pandemics and, in the end, wars to solve them.

So what then? No end of the world, be sure! No end of the world, but the sound of the death knell of a certain type of world. The one of our inconsistencies, our contradictions, our blindness and our egocentrism.

Whether we like it or not, whether it is on the ecological level or on the level of our global behaviors, our human species is running head first into a concrete wall. I will not list here the absurdities and the mountains of unconsciousness that it constantly demonstrates. There are already entire libraries on the subject and that does not change anything. I simply note, without designating a necessarily fateful date, that our humanity and the planet that supports it are at the end of their rope and at the breaking point of a cycle of their evolution.

If one doubts this and prefers to bury one's head in the sand, it is enough to look without delay at the honest researchers who, more and more numerous, agree that the ice of the poles will probably have melted in a very short time, inevitably provoking enormous geopolitical dramas on a global scale. Antarctica is particularly under high surveillance since its glaciers, which represent 90% of the planet's ice, are disappearing exponentially.



We just need to know that our governments will soon be forced to reveal that we are regularly visited by non-terrestrial intelligences and that we are far from being the only ones in the universe. Let's take as a witness this very important conference which took place on April 17, 18 and 19 2022 in Washington DC entitled X Conference. It was a major conference whose objective was the official disclosure of the UFO phenomenon in the USA in conjunction with a similar action in other countries.

Esoteric congress? Not at all. Astronauts, airplane pilots, doctors, military officers, university researchers, etc. were present. In short, this ¨exopolitical¨ congress organized by the Paradigm Research Group tended to encourage the United States Government to lift the embargo that has been in place on the subject for more than seventy years. It was learned that France, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Denmark felt ready to undertake such a step. Irrefutable facts were presented, some of them by astronaut Edgar Mitchell.

If I mention all this, it is because beyond the heavy ecological problematic that we must face immediately, there is another one, just as important, a problematic that we could qualify as ¨philosophical¨. This one concerns our repositioning in the universe. It consists in radically putting an end to our navel-gazing and, in doing so, it will require a total overhaul of our thought patterns. Let us expect consequently the explosion of a myriad of concepts, the collapse of a multitude of dogmas, religious as well as scientific and political.

From this, we can only deduce a complete reorganization of our planetary balance, on the ideological, philosophical, spiritual, ecological and economic levels.


Is it for 2030 -2040? Who could guarantee it? Everything only seems to indicate that it will be for the years to come. It is difficult to peremptorily affirm a year as an absolute deadline, if only because of the uncertain aspect of our Gregorian calendar with respect to the prophetic information to which we often refer. Indeed, according to some historians, no less than six years would have been ¨forgotten¨ since the birth of Christ... So we would already be in 2029!

But it doesn't matter! As far as I am concerned, I must say that a date does not guide my life; instead, it is what is happening at this very moment and what will happen afterwards if this date turns out to be right. What motivates me, makes me act and react, is the extraordinary mutation that we are all living. Yes, the end of a world has been present in us for a long time. I don't care if the final stage of its agony is fixed at 2026 or 2030 or 2040, what seems to me more important is that something finally moves in the human consciousness, that through the beings we are, the heart and the soul of our whole species can expand towards a more beautiful tomorrow.

A  beautiful Tomorrow

I have never joined those who feed catastrophism and social paranoia, but one must be lucid enough to realize that we are on the verge of a gigantic change in the order of things. Obviously inevitable, this one will look like a difficult delivery for our planet and its humanity. Will we have to use forceps? Will there be a need for a Caesarean section? We should first know what we are ready to give birth to, what new world we are expecting. I believe that the answer is first of all much more individual than collective. The question refers us each to our own balance, to our own maturity, in other words to our level of consciousness and to the values really embodied in us.

The fact is that we are all faced with a choice. We must now choose between petrification, that is, blind resistance to the spasms of an inescapable mutation, and an invitation to leave our old cocoon. Are we ready to abandon our fragile chrysalis state to fly away to a larger reality? Are we ready to conceive a future of hope?

Everyone will probably say to me "Of course, it's all chosen...". Not so sure! Not so sure because we do not cheat with ourselves and with Life. Goodness, generosity, honesty, courage and the absence of inner boundaries cannot be invented at once.... Especially not in the face of the "future apocalypse" approach waved like a scarecrow. Fear has never been a good teacher. On the other hand, it produces many opportunists.

Let's be aware of this... No extraterrestrial or miraculous phenomenon, the result of a sudden state of energy grace, will ever free us from ourselves, from our smallness-mind or from our ancestral reflexes. Nothing beautiful, great, true and solid will happen if we do not take ourselves in hand.

I do not say that there will not be any "non-terrestrial" interventions on the surface of our globe in the near future. It is foreseen as it has already happened many times in our past. I only know that these will not liberate us from our responsibility and our free will, and they will not aim at making some people "chosen".


There will be an energy or vibrational modification at the heart of our planet and of what lives on it. This modification has already been at work for several decades; it is known to true researchers and it would be absurd to deny the evidence. I do not deny either that the mutation which is resulting from it can help us to make a kind of collective quantum leap, thus supporting the widening of our field of consciousness.

I only understand that such a modification, effective up to the cellular level, will not make a certain number of us ¨ascended¨... notwithstanding a certain childish and dangerously disempowering belief.

The phenomenon of ¨the ascension¨ strictly speaking is the work of only a few Masters of Wisdom. It has nothing to do with the rather smoky theories in vogue today and which reflect a lot of ignorance concerning the energy structure of the human being. It testifies to the state of Realization of these exceptional beings, a state acquired after they have completely transcended all aspects of the ego confronted with the challenges of matter. It is certainly not a few mantras, a few breathing practices or even a few out-of-body exercises that will make us spontaneous ¨ascended¨, the prototypes of the ¨new race of a new age¨ or '' a New World''.

This current belief in such a state of grace concerning, as if by magic, a small number of privileged people on the surface of the Earth seems to me to be similar in its functioning to the one that announces the return of a Christ or an Iman Maadi who will come to sort out the wheat from the chaff and thus solve all our problems. It is of the order of these messianic prophecies which appear cyclically in our societies each time they feel more or less confusedly that they are going to have to "breathe" differently.

Our problem is that we always look at the notion of Messiah in the same erroneous way. If there is to be a Messiah, he can ultimately only be within us. If, however, there were to be a Messiah, a real one, walking on our soil, and if we knew how to recognize Him - which is far from obvious - He would only ever show up to remind us of this fundamental truth by pointing at the center of our chest.


So, 2030, 2033, 2040? Yes, why not... but let us not make of it a fixed point, either irremediably dramatic, or ¨planning¨ according to whether we convince ourselves to be on the ¨good side¨ or not. In reality, we have already been in the middle of the Apocalypse for a long time, that is to say etymologically in the middle of a period of "revelation". When a cosmic staging allows such moments in History, it is time or never to open our eyes to make a great quantum leap upward.

Personally, beyond predictions, calculations and dates, I simply look at what is happening... I watch and I dare to rejoice deeply in what awaits us because, even if the birthing seems difficult, this is a great Act of Life going forward we are about to act... and I am happy to be involved in it, no matter what happens!

© 2023 Daniel Meurois


THERE ARE THINGS TO SAY! By Daniel Meurois and Marie Johanne Croteau
